6 Trending Texture Design for Living Room

 6 Trending Texture Design for Living Room

Looking for trending wall texture for the living room , but do not know what will suit your home,  don’t worry we have a list of 6 Trending Texture Design for living room for you, that will help upgrade your decor style. 

6 Trending Texture Design For Living Room

Texture Design

Living rooms are the spaces to welcome and impress the people. Your guest banter and try to figure your persona through your living room.  A scattered design may not bring out the best out of your persona. 

If you lack knowledge about the latest trends in the market that will complement your home and your persona at the same time.  

1. Printed Grassroot Texture design For living room :

  • If you are a sober human, that loves a relaxing atmosphere but is taken as a boring person with no good taste. Well now you can display your best qualities reflecting in your walls.
  • Printed grassroot Texture design for living room is sober and yet charming texture, it reflects sunlight and looks best in the daylight. It is even more appealing when you pair it with an artificial and natural palm tree and minimal solid color decor. 
  • The room looks sorted, clear, and beautiful with minimal furniture in the living room. Its green print soothes the eye and the brown background adds an earthy texture and breezy vibe to the living space. 

2. Abstract art texture design for living room: 

  • If you are creative and love to try something out of the box, well good news!  The abstract art in your Instagram feeds can be displayed on the walls of the living.  
  • Abstract art texture designs are modern yet sober texture design for living room, the geometric figures printed on a tile, add gloss, shine and edginess to your room. 
  • This is even a hassle-free experience as the painter brings the tiles put against your living room wall.  The abstract art texture designs trend on social media for geometric patterns and creamy texture. 

3. Royal board and batten texture design:

  • If you love something royal and elegant, then there is nothing better than a navy blue color on board and batten for you. It  has golden light and minimal mirror work. 
  • The royal texture of board and batten design has an appealing look, which comes out more clearly when pair it with right light work. A traditional yellow lamp light goes well, but you can reinvent it into a modern royal chamber by adding white lighting, or use alternative lighting bulbs. 
  • Royal board and batten also goes well in emerald green and blue sapphire color. With emerald green you can experiment more with creeper and sapphire blue you can add a lot of silver accessories and mirrors to your living room. 

4. Royal rose velvet texture design for living room: 

  • If you are a die-hard romantic, an old-school Royal rose velvet will be the most romantic texture design for living room. It is  trending texture designs among the romantic folks 
  • Its rosy texture creates an ambient atmosphere both during day and night. Just like Royal board and batten design you can pair this design with both the lightings, but it goes mre well with white lighting. It adds modern and refreshing taste to the old-school rose texture. 
  • It radiates ambience both during the day and the night.  Royal rose velvet texture design, gives room the ambience during day and night. 

5. Brick wall texture design for living room:

  • If you are a sober person who doesn’t want to mess around, the brick wall’s perfect wall texture design. It is a versatile design which can be paired with anything, if you just keep it minimal. 
  • It has a sober yet aesthetic design, made of dust-free brick wall,  the design goes best for the living room that receives natural light. 
  • This trending even texture needs 2 to 3 pairs of plants, and two Hoover lamps. Owing to its versatility it is budget-friendly and hassle-free. You can sit and chill  after two round of shopping.

6. Faux animal texture design for the living room: 

  • Last but not the least, If you are looking for something grand and you are an animal lover, trying faux animal Texture will blow your mind. 
  • It elevates the whole space, and with literally zero effort, you will only need to bring a few decor items and your living room will look peaceful and a grand place to sit and gaze at the majestic animal print at the back of your sofa. 
  • Here, we end the list of trending texture designs, make sure when you are choosing a style the trend, but also look if you can arrange every decor item you are choosing, especially be careful about the quality of lighting, and if you can’t figure out much you can choose Faux animal and brick wall it will wrap your living with very few decor pieces. 

Renovate Your Home with Home glazer 

If you are still struggling to figure out what you want, our home glazer team has ample experience in building and renovation. We can help figure out and help you renovate and design your house. 

We built houses from scratch, and have transformed many houses into beautiful homes. Our team of experts in highly skilled  furniture renovating, wood polishing, and home designing.

Call and book a free consultation today to turn your house into your dream home. 


Which texture is best for a living room?

The Texture design depends on what goes with the person, Faux animal print texture is best for texture for a living room.

Which texture design is trending in 2024?

Board and batten design is the most popular design in 2024. 

Which is the most budget friendly design ? 

Brick wall texture design is most budget friendly, it is cheap and has a versatile design too.  

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